Charity Number: 1083860

Christ the King College Old Boys'Association (COBA) UK






As Christ the King College is a school founded on the ethos of educating students who would become leading citizens of Sierra Leone, the school - in its heyday - was regarded as one of the most influential schools in West Africa, producing many prominent academics, politicians and business leaders as well as attracting international students from countries likes Liberia, Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria. While the past glory could be attributed to the school’s Corbett - tradition of discipline and hard working teachers, leadership by students in pursuing a big vision of themselves and their future was quintessential and equally exemplary.

In this regard, the Executive of COBA-Uk, in commitment to the Corbett-tradition, is launching the COBA-UK EXCELLENCE AWARDS targeting present students and teachers at the school.

The project is aimed at incentivising the present generation of students and teachers alike to drive productive competition and embrace hard work as well as a brighter vision of themselves and their future.

1. Incentivize hard work and productive competition among students and teachers alike.

2. Build the school’s reputation as an elite learning institution in Sierra Leone

3. Reclaim the lost glory of Christ the King College as one of the most influential schools in West Africa.

4. Establish Christ the King College as the ‘Eton College of Sierra Leone’ producing a roll-call of Sierra Leone’s next generation of luminaries in academia, entrepreneurship, science and technology, medicine, politics, government and diplomacy, law, engineering etc.

Under the COBA-UK Excellence Awards project, there will be several awards targeting present students and teachers of Christ the King College. The awards will include 2 annual direct cash-prizes, school-material supplies, partial and full bursaries, visiting scholarships, and career mentorships. Winners of COBA-UK Excellence Awards will be disclosed at the annual Feast of Christ the King Celebrations and awards will be presented at the school’s Prize-giving Ceremony.

Awards Management
A proposed Awards Committee of seven members, appointed by the Chairman, will be tasked with the responsibility of managing the COBA-UK ExcellenceAwards Project in consultation with the Executive. A report from the committee shall be an agenda item of the Annual General Meeting of the alumni association.

List of Committee Members and Award Categories
For full details of the Project, Committee Members and Award Categories etc, please click COBA-UK EXCELLENCE AWARDS PROJECT.



Current benefactors and beneficiaries will continue to be on record unless the committee is notified to the contrary.

Regarding all beneficiaries, they will automatically continue to be eligible subject to maintaining proven excellence.


This includes all expenses paid for work placements schemes awarded to deserving CKC pupils in different walks of life during summer holidays, it being the most auspicious time for pupils to earn extra money before schools reopen every September.

COBA members with suitable facilities in their workplaces and who are captains of industry are kindly encouraged to offer paid summer placements annually.


Non-refundable financial awards to help with the purchase of school uniforms (Le150,000 per year), stationeries (Le 500,000 per year) , lunch (Le500,000 per year) and transportation (Le 360,000 per year).

Equivalent to £100 (pounds per year per student).

Application form for Scholarships/Grants is attached. Please click Application Form to download the document.

Faithfully submitted:
Dr Christopher Sondai
Chairman, COBA UK



Membership, Executives & Committees


Registered by:
Charity Commission, England and Wales (Charity No:

Donors/ Sponsors:
- Sal Bolton:
Lawn Tennis Project
- Ms Kenye Karemo:
Scholarship Program
- Alison Ganda:
Principal's Office IT Network
- Ken Jackson:
Staff and Education support

- Sal Bolton: Promoting Lawn Tennis in association with Tennis for Africa (TFA).
- Ms Kenye Karemo: Scholarship Program and grants for individual needs. Associate COBA UK.
- Alison Ganda: Donated £1000 for computer and printer as secretarial support for Principal's office. Associate COBA UK.
- Ken Jackson: Former staff at CKC, VSO program and founder of Geography Society.
- East Dulwich Lawn Tennis Club: donated tennis equipment (rackets, nets and balls) to promote tennis in CKC.
- Community Southwark Organisation: providing training support and useful resources for Organisational development and support for voluntary and community sector in Southwark.

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