Charity Number: 1083860

Christ the King College Old Boys'Association (COBA) UK





COBA Projects

Some Earmarked Projects

As Christ the King College is a school founded on the ethos of educating students who would become leading citizens of Sierra Leone, the school - in its heyday - was regarded as one of the most influential schools in West Africa, producing many prominent academics, politicians and business leaders as well as attracting international students from countries likes Liberia, Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria. While the past glory could be attributed to the school’s Corbett - tradition of discipline and hard working teachers, leadership by students in pursuing a big vision of themselves and their future was quintessential and equally exemplary.

In this regard, the Executive of COBA-Uk, in commitment to the Corbett-tradition, is launching the COBA-UK EXCELLENCE AWARDS targeting present students and teachers at the school.

The project is aimed at incentivising the present generation of students and teachers alike to drive productive competition and embrace hard work as well as a brighter vision of themselves and their future.

1. Incentivize hard work and productive competition among students and teachers alike.

2. Build the school’s reputation as an elite learning institution in Sierra Leone

3. Reclaim the lost glory of Christ the King College as one of the most influential schools in West Africa.

4. Establish Christ the King College as the ‘Eton College of Sierra Leone’ producing a roll-call of Sierra Leone’s next generation of luminaries in academia, entrepreneurship, science and technology, medicine, politics, government and diplomacy, law, engineering etc.

Under the COBA-UK Excellence Awards project, there will be several awards targeting present students and teachers of Christ the King College. The awards will include 2 annual direct cash-prizes, school-material supplies, partial and full bursaries, visiting scholarships, and career mentorships. Winners of COBA-UK Excellence Awards will be disclosed at the annual Feast of Christ the King Celebrations and awards will be presented at the school’s Prize-giving Ceremony.

Awards Management
A proposed Awards Committee of seven members, appointed by the Chairman, will be tasked with the responsibility of managing the COBA-UK ExcellenceAwards Project in consultation with the Executive. A report from the committee shall be an agenda item of the Annual General Meeting of the alumni association.

List of Committee Members and Award Categories
For full details of the Project, Committee Members and Award Categories etc, please click COBA-UK EXCELLENCE AWARDS PROJECT.

Crocodile Aquarium and Rehabilitation
The advent of CKC not only ushered the best pupils who had the ability to attend it, but with the great expectation of learning came too, pastoral care, love for the ecosystem and looking after pets. The late Mr Pet Crocodile of CKC was gifted to the school in 1953 and could have proudly boasted of graduating. From the school’s educational system many years ago, including in its own right, counting many professionals as former colleagues who enrolled at and left CKC. Click here for more information.

3. Francis Karemo Memorial Assembly Hall
The late Mr Francis Karemo (of blessed memory) was an outstanding alumnus of CKC who excelled in private and public life. Such was his acumen that Norman Fitzgerald CSSp (now late), pinpointed him as a post-humus poster boy for CKC’s golden jubilee in 2003 by remembering him with great flourish. .......continued.
Please click the Assembly Hall Plan for the picture.

4. Ambrose Ganda Memorial ICT Suite
The late Mr Ambrose Ganda was an avant-garde larger than life character, possessed of skills, abilities and foresight but yet kept the common touch. As a scion of the Ganda pedigree, he held his own as a legal and literary scholar, with passion for politics, journalism, charity and computer sciences. He was a founding member of COBA UK.......continued

5. One-Man-One-Pillar And Fence Wall Project
This is a flagship Platinum Jubilee project which every member will have the opportunity of making an input to, for the coveted "badge of honour " of having the benefactor’s full names, including the benefactor’s CKC admission and leaving dates inscribed on a personalised adjoining fence wall and column or pillar that will be constructed in their honour as a legacy in perpetuity, with funds for the construction derived from the sweat of his/her face.

Apparently, on all accounts so far, CKC has never had a fence constructed around its entire vast estate since it was founded. As a result, the CKC estate is currently being encroached on by squatters and trespassers.

In order to protect our most treasured asset (CKC), we believe that owning the effort of fencing the entire estate by willing members will be worthwhile. The precise costs of constructing a personalised adjoining fence wall and column will soon be published after obtaining a commissioned report from a quantity surveyor.

Details of the bank account for global payments will be published in due course. Please click the Fence Plan of the "one pillar one man project" for the picture.

6. Spiritans School Twinning and Re-Union

7. Annual COBROSA Valentine’s Amity Dinner (COBA and QUROSA UK)
In order to maintain CKC’s long standing collegial relationship with QRS, we believe that jointly hosting an annual social event will help strengthen the bond that has endured between our respective schools down the ages.

Few years ago, we had the most pleasant experience of jointly hosting an inter-alumni BBQ event in London which yielded substantial dividend.

We have decided that an annual COBROSA Valentine’s Amity Dinner will indeed help us reminisce and look back on all the fond memories of our youth and the beauty of unrelenting and enduring love, kindness and faith.

8. Platinum Jubilee Funds by Donation
In its bid to think outside the box, this COBA UK-Led Global Appeal will embark on an innovative fundraising initiative on a scale unparalleled since the advent of CKC’s alumni associations. In the short term (that is no later than 1 November 2022), we aim to raise at least £100,000 for the development of CKC in the intervening period leading up to another milestone in the history of CKC. ..........continued.

9. CKC Infrastructure, Landscaping and Recreation
The current state and condition of CKC is in dire need of urgent and substantial face lift and remedial intervention to restore it to its pristine aesthetic standing. In order to achieve this, we intend to revisit the drawing board and pursue a comprehensive blueprint that will best serve the urgency of now and posterity.

Foremost in our efforts will be to commence refurbishment work in a gradual but progressive manner, before embarking on massive infrastructural developments throughout the school’s estate. Mushrooming infrastructures alone will not be enough. The entire landscape of CKC will requires proper review.

In addition, we believe that the scope of available recreational facilities should be expanded beyond athletics and football. Sports is a major contributor to the growth and well being of individuals. Therefore, exposure to a wide range of facilities should be nurtured from a very early age.

Best endeavours will be used to incorporate the Mission and its proprietors as integral partners; the CKC administration, and our worldwide community of eager COBIANS, to wipe away the tears caused by unwitting neglect over the years, if only to help make CKC proud again.

A list of all earmarked and ring fenced CKC legacy projects will be launched soon.

10. CKC Science Institute

11. COBA UK Charity shop
The aim of this project will be to enable a dedicated CKC school shop that will be run as a cost effective general merchandising outlet, including but not limited to the production and selling of CKC school uniforms, souvenir items, stationeries and miscellany. All proceeds realised from sales will be used to fund deserving CKC project on a rolling stock basis. The shop will be manned by staff whose remuneration shall be drawn from funds provided by COBA UK-Led resources, Global Appeal support and material resources not excepted.


We invite you all to imagine what if CKC were human, it would look like in 2023, aged 70, and what it would expect from her grown up children.

The graphic illustrations below render a bold insight into COBA UK’s unequivocal wish to play an integral part in transforming and restoring CKC to its pristine and glorious days.

Let’s all be part of it.

1. One Man, One Pillar and Fence Wall

This flagship CKC Platinum Jubilee Legacy Project is intended to serve as a badge of

honour and bragging right, with priority placed on the main street and cemetery border fencing, and aimed to be completed by 31 May 2022.

The constructing of one pillar and an adjoining fence wall is estimated at Le3.5m.

COBAians the world over are invited to acquire this most cherished legacy (pillar and fence wall) by making their own life a permanent fixture of CKC in perpetuity.

First payment deadline date is 31 March 2022.
Second and final payment deadline date is 30 April 2022.

Payment in SL on trust for COBA UK to:

Christ the King College Old Boys Association (COBA), Sierra Leone Commercial Bank,

Account No: 003002085399112105 - please contact the COBA UK Liaison Committee (SL) Financial Coordinators.

All payments outside Sierra Leone to:
COBA UK, NatWest Bank, Account No: 58575200; Sort Code: 601310.

A maximum of 10 pillars and fence wall may be paid for by a member for the benefit of friends and family members who attended CKC (whether late or alive).

Each legacy pillar and/or adjoining fence wall will bear the following details:
a) name of the paying or nominated member;
b) year of admission to CKC; and
c) year of leaving CKC.

Names of all participants will be published in full or anonymised from Friday 21 January 2022 until 30 April 2022.

Street border fence (approx. 150 fence walls and gates), and cemetery border fence (approx. 150 fence walls and pillars), on a first come, first served basis). Please declare your interest now to be added to the list.

2. Crocodile Aquarium

Construction will start on 1 February 2022. The completion date of this project is set at 31 March 2022, if not sooner.

3. The Ansu Edward Kaikai CKC Memorial Sports Academy

The is a memorial legacy project to immortalise and memorialise not only the heroic dead, but to promote and foster an interest in sports by creating a dedicated building for such vocation. We believe that naming a building dedicated to sports and

used for character building is a fitting legacy to our departed and much cherished colleague.

The building so named will house plasma TV and satellite facility for sports enthusiasts to lounge and watch global sporting events inside the building. It may also include indoor games like darts, snooker and table tennis.

We further hope that the facility will be used for mentorship.

Funding for this COBA UK-Led project will be on a rolling-stock and voluntary sector.

Commencement of work is earmarked for 1 May 2022.

4. Infrastructure and landscaping

In the images that follow, you will see graphic

illustrations of all the projects under review. COBA UK proposes and will pursue the following integrated projects:

a) three additional classroom buildings modelled on the original classroom plans that will overlook the football field (highlighted in white).

b) new integrated assembly hall and library that is fit for purpose in response to demands for expansion.

c) four dedicated sports boots located in the middle of the field (glass)

d) low pavilions (shown in brown sketches) for spectators.

e) toilets and water supply facilities highlighted in whole or part (shown in blue sketches) at the back of the school buildings.

f) four halls of residence that will be variously named after our founding fathers (located next to the new assembly hall).

g) next to the halls of residence will be out buildings comprising dinning and study halls; and the rest will be used to establish landmark institutes (science and technology) ICT suite and academy.

h) promote enhanced vegetation, trees and similar landscaping aesthetics.

These projects must be promoted, funded and encouraged if only to rekindle a once jealously guarded heritage and source of pride. We respectfully commend COBA UK’s 2021-2023 project blueprint, the list of which is not exhaustive.

For full details of all COBA UK projects, please visit our website-


1. Bishop Charles Campbell (Oversight)

2. Fr. Augustine Berewa (Oversight Head)

3. Mr William Alpha and Dr Soccoh Kabbia
(Joint Coordinators)

4. Mr Edward Koroma
(Principal, SSS - Member)

5. Ms Michaella Michael (Principal, JSS - Secretary)

6. Mr Kwame Yankson
(COBA National President, Member)

7. Mr Rado Yokie and Martin George - COBA

National Secretary (Financial Coordinators)

8. Ing. John-Bosco Kaikai
(Independent Technical Expert)

a) Mr Raymond Amara
(Technical Assistant)

9. Mr Sahr Daniel Boima (Sawaneh Electrical Engineering and Construction Services - Contractor).

Faithfully submitted:
For and On behalf of COBA UK.

Pictures and descriptions

1. School buildings (white) overlooking the fields with toilets (blue top) at the back.
2. The bottom right hand four buildings are COBA UK's envisioned halls of residence
3. The grey building overlooking the field is COBA UK's integrated assembly hall and library, and the bottom pavilions in the forecourt and around the field are for spectaators
4. The centre glass buildings are the permanent sports houses

Crocodile aquarium


New toilet structures comprising 8 cubicles (x2- pupils); 6 cubicles (1x- male staff); and 4 cubicles (x1- female staff). Please see below:


We are pleased to announce that funds have been pledged and raised for the projects listed below, and therefore thank COBAians for their ongoing support and invaluable financial contributions.



We hope this will be a very useful item for the proper administration of CKC, including the printing of examination materials, pamphlets or similar.



This project will interface with Mr Henry Soyei in a collaborative effort to augment the late Dr Anthony Soyei’s CKC memorial legacy, by giving back to CKC.

We are delighted to associate with such laudable intention and as soon as feedback is received that the JSS Principal’s office has been restored to the historic CKC administrative building, funds will be promptly disbursed, of which the total effort will be in the region of Le26m.


In September 2021, the COBA UK Executive Committee embarked on the task of

considering the production cost and profit margin of the COBA ceremonial blazer from its inception.

Having concluded this part of the review process, a motion was moved and adopted at a COBA UK general meeting held on 30 January 2022 that henceforth, all COBA ceremonial blazers ordered through COBA UK and using the same production company of which COBA UK has a transaction account will cost *£50*.

We regard ownership of the ceremonial blazer as a right for all and not a privilege.

Based on the review recommendations and COBA UK being a charity, we believe that a profit margin of about £6.58 will be realised when sold at £50, and we make this declaration to ensure transparency and probity.


In June, July, October and November 2022, the COBA UK Branch will host fundraising events and launch:

a) COBA UK North-Eastern Chapter (BBQ) comprising - Birmingham, Bolton, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Midlands (Led by Mr John Gaojia);

b) COBA UK South-Western Chapter (BBQ) comprising - Bristol, Oxford and Reading (Led by Mr Pius Mattia);

c) COBA UK and Continental Europe Branch - BBQ (Led by COBA UK);

d) COBROSA Amity Dinner on 30 April 2022


e) COBA UK-Led Amity Dinner, SL (October); and

f) COBA UK Dinner (November).

All fundraising BBQs will be held on dates between 1 June to 9 July 2022.




This flagship project is on course to atone for our beloved late Mr Crocodile.

The contractor will interface with our lawyers (to sign Agreement) and the COBA UK Liaison Committee this week, to finalise the location

and disbursement of payments.

This is a Global Appeal and all COBAians are encouraged to make additional donations against the deadline of 28 February 2022

A list of pledges will be published separately.


8 cubicles (x2 general)
Le124,346,000 each

6 cubicles (x1 male staff)
Le88,011,000m each

4 cubicles (x1 female staff)
Le54,673,000m each

This project is very essential and we will start with the construction of 8 cubicles and continue with the rest.

This is a global appeal and all COBAians are encouraged to make additional donations against the deadline of 28 February 2022

In the meantime, the above projects will proceed on the strength of already approved ring-fenced funds.




COBA UK-Led Excellence Awards, Scholarships and Grants SL Liaison Committee Members

1. Mr Steven Gaojia

(Oversight Head)

2. Mrs Michaella Michael

3. Mr Patrick Sandi

4. Messrs Martin George and Rado Yokie (Finance Coordinators)

5. Mr Patrick Johnny (Member)

6. Mr Ali Hamoud

7. Mr Raymond Amara

Notices for applications and deadlines will be announced periodically.


1. Dr Soccoh Kabbia
(Oversight Head)

2. Mr Thomas Hazeley

Faithfully submitted:
Dr Christopher Sondai

For and On behalf of COBA UK and the COBA UK CKC Platinum Jubilee Legacy Projects Committee (2021-2023)

Please note that more details about the specific projects will be provided soon.

Registered by:
Charity Commission, England and Wales (Charity No:

Donors/ Sponsors:
- Sal Bolton:
Lawn Tennis Project
- Ms Kenye Karemo:
Scholarship Program
- Alison Ganda:
Principal's Office IT Network
- Ken Jackson:
Staff and Education support

- Sal Bolton: Promoting Lawn Tennis in association with Tennis for Africa (TFA).
- Ms Kenye Karemo: Scholarship Program and grants for individual needs. Associate COBA UK.
- Alison Ganda: Donated £1000 for computer and printer as secretarial support for Principal's office. Associate COBA UK.
- Ken Jackson: Former staff at CKC, VSO program and founder of Geography Society.
- East Dulwich Lawn Tennis Club: donated tennis equipment (rackets, nets and balls) to promote tennis in CKC.
- Community Southwark Organisation: providing training support and useful resources for Organisational development and support for voluntary and community sector in Southwark.

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